Connectional News and Information
Subscribe to emails from The Christian Recorder and the Office of the General Secretary
Visit the Facebook pages of the Connectional Church and The Christian Recorder.
Christian Education Department Resources
Visit the Department’s website for weekly updated devotional resources.
Visit the Christian Education Department Facebook Page.
AME Church Publishing House (Sunday School Union)
Visit the dedicated website for “stay at home” worship resources and church school literature
Connectional Church school will be held on Sunday at 9 AM Eastern Time via Zoom. The link is shared on the Publishing House Facebook page.
Connectional Health Commission
Webinars are available on the website and the International Health Commission Facebook Page
AME Guidelines for Reopening and Returning to Local Churches
AME Parishioner’s Guide to Reopening
Connectional Women in Ministry
A series of webinars “Handling Small Church Business” started on Tuesday, April 21 at 4 PM Eastern. The first session deals with Payroll and Marketing. Click here for the webinar registration link. Visit the AME Women in Ministry Page for updates