Tribute to My Neighbor, My Congressman, My Boss
By Rev. Regina Clay
We know that to everything there is a season, time, and purpose. Ecclesiastes tells us that perfectly. Yet, who would have known that a season would end on October 17, 2019? That was the day that the roll was called and his name was on the list. So undoubtedly, he chose to surrender his earthly position for the mansion that was promised him in heaven.
To some, the life of this great man was all about politics and community activism. While that was a big portion of his existence, he was so much more. This existence has made me a better woman. It was proof that God so loved this city, state, and country that He gave us the one and only Elijah E. Cummings.
Once in a lifetime, you get to view something and be a part of something that changes your core. The title of his existence to me is, “My Neighbor, My Congressman, My Boss.”
I had just moved into my new neighborhood when I was greeted one day. Coming out of my home, I heard, “You are my new neighbor. I am Congressman Cummings.” Of course, I knew exactly who he was and was grateful to learn that he lived only five doors down from me. I’m telling you, God knows the importance of positioning and timing. I informed him that I was, at the time, a member of Bethel AME Church. He made it clear that he knew and respected the man of God whose leadership I was under at the time, Pastor Frank Madison Reid, III.
From that day on, whether in the neighborhood or at local and community events, he would always greet me with, “Hi, neighbor!” The day I brought my daughter home from the hospital, he charged me with the responsibility of ensuring she would get properly educated. Even then, he had a way of decreeing and declaring greatness over her. When I got accepted into Howard Divinity School, he was excited to hear the news and requested that I keep him updated on my progress. There was something about his presence that made me believe he was a Godsend. However, I had no idea the impact he would have.
As a Congressman, this great man was known to the world as a civil rights advocate. He wasn’t afraid to call out injustice and was never afraid to serve. He was who he was everywhere. He introduced life-changing legislation, supported plans to better the community, and always represented the people. He never had an ill agenda or a desire for self-gain. He was the people’s congressman and integrity was in the DNA of everything he did and for which he stood. He was a true man of God. Everyone knew they could trust his leadership because he led by being amongst them. He respected even the least of these.
Over the years, many people have been blessed to partner with and work for this great man. I’m honored to say that I was the last person hired by Congressman Cummings on his personal staff. I learned such a great deal from him in the nine months that I served in this capacity. No matter what was going on, he always left you in a better state than you were initially. He truly had the attributes of a Kingdom man, one that lived like Jesus and was about action and the people. His conversation and wisdom caused you to want to do better and simply serve more.
I do regret that I was never able to get a picture with him but he was loved by so many and I always stood in the background to allow others to get close to him. Honestly, I figured I’d have more time to make memories with my boss. Instead, I will hold dear the memories that I’ve learned about morality and character. I’ll hold fast to the examples of respect and accomplishment that he embodied. Some had over two decades with him but I’ll forever cherish the nine months I had. To me, it’s synonymous with that of childbearing. A mother carries you for nine months and then births you into the world to form your identity. He carried me with his staff for nine months and now a new birthing is taking place in me. For that, I’m grateful and ready for the next level. Further, God has equipped me for this next phase through this great man.
As the pastor of New Queen Esther AME Church, I’ve had the opportunity to encounter so many amazing individuals. Being under the leadership of Bishop James Levert Davis has strengthened me. Being under the spiritual covering of Bishop Frank M. Reid, III has kept me. Being connected to Jack and Jill has polished me. Being the woman I am has been an amazing journey. However, I have to attribute a portion of my focus and determination to one of the greatest men that I’ve ever served, the Honorable Congressman Elijah E. Cummings: my neighbor, my congressman, my boss.
The Rev. Regina Clay is the pastor of New Queen Esther AME Church in Easton, Maryland. She was born in Baltimore, Maryland, and grew up in Columbia, Maryland. She holds B.A. degree in Communications from the University of Virginia and Master of Divinity degree from Howard University School of Divinity. She recently wrote, Thriving with Our Scars: 12 Steps towards Complete Restoration. She has two children, Alisa and Antonio.