Prospering as a Leader 

Mr. Byron Washington, Columnist

Within Christianity, the word “prosperity” has many different connotations. Some people embrace it, others hate mentioning it, and many are indifferent. The concept of prosperity can elicit many other emotions, covering the spectrum. The reality is that prosperity by itself is not problematic. How people interpret it causes some to disregard it, while others relish it and seek it with their whole heart. Though most of the time, prosperity is seen simply as monetary gain. Someone is prosperous because they have money, wealth, and material possessions. However, one thing I have learned over time, especially when dealing with leaders, is to get individuals to understand that prosperity is not just about money. 

If a person is prospering only in their finances, they are lacking. Alternatively, as one of my mentors said, if you only have money, you are actually broke. The reality is that to be prosperous, you must progress in multiple areas that lead to you having a state of prosperity or a balanced life. Let me suggest these four areas for you to consider when it comes to prosperity. 

The first is your spiritual growth. If you are not growing spiritually, you are already at a deficit when it comes to prosperity in life. “Beloved, I pray that in all things thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” (3 John 2 – ASV). If an individual is experiencing monetary gain and increasing wealth, yet their spirituality is declining, that is not prosperity. The Bible says in Mark 8:36, “For what doth it profit a man, to gain the whole world, and forfeit his life?” In other words, what does it profit you to have wealth and riches and then miss heaven? So, the first thing you have to do is prosper in your spiritual life. 

The second thing you must do is prosper in your health, as noted above in 3 John 2. Please note and never forget that to have money and have poor or declining health is not a fair exchange. There are many people right now who have money, yet they would trade that money for health. So you must be prospering spiritually, and you must also be prospering in your health. 

Third, you must prosper in your relationships. If you are growing spiritually and are in good health but have no one around you, you are in a bad situation. The Bible often talks about the benefit of relationships; see Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, Proverbs 11:14, Proverbs 24:6, or Genesis 2:18.   If you are alone on this journey with no friends or companionship, you are not prospering. It will be difficult to go forward and enjoy life being isolated. So, you must prosper spiritually, in your health, and in your relationships. 

Lastly, there must be financial progress to be considered prosperous. I will not say you need to be rich and wealthy, but you need to have the financial means available so that if God wants to use you to bless the Kingdom or somebody else, you can do so. I suggest that this is the better way to assess prosperity. So be sure to take inventory to determine what areas need improvement so you can prosper throughout 2025.   



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