Pre Global Development Council Activities – Arrival & Registraition 

Pre Global Development Council Activities – Arrival & Registraition

The Global Development Council General Assembly and Executive Meeting of the African Methodist Episcopal Church was held from 20 – 23 February 2024 at Hilton Hotel, 138 Rivonia Road, Sandton, South Africa. The 19th Episcopal District under the leadership of Bishop Ronnie E. Brailsford Sr. were the honored hosts.

People traveled from across the globe to just be in attendance as delegates as well as observers. Some travelled by road while others by air. Some delegates from within the Southern Africa sub region took two days to arrive and crossed several borders just to be present at the GDC 2024.

The flight by the Field Representative for the 17th Episcopal District from Lusaka Zambia to Johannesburg lasted two hours only while those from outsider the African continent lasted more than fifteen hours. The Oliver Tambo international Airport was a hive of activities for AME’s.

This is where the services of the Transport Team led by the Rev Teboho Klaas were most appreciated. The other team members were Brother Medupe Motloung, sister  Katlego Xaba, sister Patricia Matokonyane and Rev Bianca Canley came handy. They did exceptionally well to ensure all arrivals were attended to timeously. Brother Motloung the Assistant Transport Team, made the writer know that their role was to make everybody happy including those who did not notify the team of their arrival. He stated, more than eighty (80) AME’s had checked in through the O. R. Tambo international airport and more were being expected.

Among the dignitaries that they had attended to at the time of the arrival of the FR were Chair, Bishop Paul. J.M.Kawimbe, from the 14th Episcopal District, GDC Vice Chair, Bishop David R. Daniels Jr, of the 17th Episcopal District, Bishop Marvin C. Zanders II, of the 16th Episcopal District, Bishop Francine A. Brookins of the 18th Episcopal District and Bishop E Earl McCloud from the 7th Episcopal District Bishop Wilfred J. Messiah, Bishop McAllister Jr . Several leaders of component organizations and connectional officers had also passed through the capable hand of the transport team.

Herewith verbal expectations of delegates to the 2024 GDC

17th Episcopal District – Mildred Chipawa – From Chipata Nyimba district for the first time. Observing, learning. Step further to be at another level. Feld more of the connectional church. Never go back the same

Martin Lombe – was expected radical changes in governance, geographical landscape of the AME Church. He was hopeful the 17th Episcopal District will be Zambia as a stand alone.  Brother Obbie Kasanda and Rev Cliff Silupya PE conquered.

Dimpho Gaobepe – Election of candidates from Africa. Partnership in mission and objectives of the GDC. CIO needs a representative on the continent of Africa to synergize. Allen Christian Evangelical League (Amadodana) must find her way in the book of doctrine and discipline

Dr. Maurice McCauley – vision for the   church still stands. Challenges are still there. Careful in defining the nomenclature of the GDC. Bring millennials on the table of decision making. Parity individual priority, not made maximum use of the over three hundred votes from District 14 – 20.


Procession – Hymn was: – we are climbing Jacob’s ladder. In the processions were the following Bishops of the AME Church:-

  • GDC Chair, Bishop Paul. J.M.Kawimbe, from the 14th Episcopal District
  • GDC Vice Chair, Bishop David R. Daniels Jr, of the 17th Episcopal District
  • Bishop Marvin C. Zanders II, of the 16th Episcopal District
  • Bishop Francine A. Brookins of the 18th Episcopal District
  • Bishop E Earl McCloud from the 7th Episcopal District
  • Bishop Wilfred J. Messiah, Bishop McAllister Jr.
  • Connectional and General Officers

Worship leader was Bishop David R. Daniels Jr

Call to worship was done by Bishop Paul J. M. Kawimbe

Hymn of Praise: And are we yet alive

The Invocation :- Bishop Julius Mc Allister Jr.  from the First Episcopal District                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Selection by Combined Choir of the 19th Episcopal District. As they sung foot thumping made a huge difference as many joined in the dance

Bishop Ronnie E. Brailsford read the abridged Decalogue

Bishop Marvin C. Zanders II, of the 16th Episcopal District presented the preacher

Sermonic Hymn was :- Blessed assurance Jesus

RA Dream

Don’t let your dream die

Activate the dormant dream in you

Bishop Francine A. Brookins – was the preacher of the day

  • Title – Follow Your Dream / Remember the vision – Joel 2:28 – 29
  • What is happening – are we going to survive
  • Trust God for the vision he has given you.
  • In a vision, God shows you doing things that look impossible
  • Dreams and vision are needed
  • What’s the vision and dream
  • It’s coming in a song and whisper
  • Begin to share the dream with people you ought to share
  • God did not bring us this far to come and leave us
  • God can still use each and every one of us
  • Return to God
  • Some candidates are running to run – others have a dream, sent by God
  • Too many aborted dream
  • Unfulfilled visions
  • We must believe in miracles signs and wonders
  • Realize the dream of GDC

The service of Holy Communion marked the climax of the GDC key note worship experience

Having adopted the agenda the following committees broke out into working

Christian Education – Kwena Rooms one

Church growth and development – Kwena Rooms two

Legislative Committee – Pau room

Economic Development – Temba room

Leadership and empowerment – Ezimba room

Special recognition was given to Bishop Silvester S. Beaman of the 15th Episcopal District who was reportedly unwell. Bishop Adam J. Richardson, Senior Bishop, could also not travel due to other commitments as well as Bishop Frederick A. Wright of the 20th Episcopal District.



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