Portraits Unveiled During Wesley’s Annual Lay Day

By Thelma Kennedy-Malveaux, 10th Episcopal District

The Lay Organization of the historic Wesley AME Church in Houston celebrated its Annual Lay Day on September 16, 2018. This year’s Lay Day observance featured the debut of the Wesley Legacy Circle and the unveiling of portraits of the Rt. Rev. Sarah Frances Taylor Davis, the 126th elected and consecrated bishop of the AME Church and the Rev. Dr. Edward E. Coates, the pastor emeritus of Wesley.

Lay members from across the Texas Conference filled Wesley’s sanctuary along with a large delegation of family and friends of Bishop Davis and the Rev. Coates. Bishop Sarah’s husband, Supervisor Claytie Davis helped to unveil the portrait of his late wife and Pastor Emeritus Coates’ daughter Lucille helped to unveil his portrait.

The Lay Day speaker was Dr. Carol Mitchell, professor emeritus of Science at the University of Omaha and Bishop Sarah’s twin sister. She delivered a very inspiring message about the vital role of the laity in the church. Using the Lay Day theme, “Laity Walking Humbly with God to Do Justice and Love Kindness,” and the scripture reference Micah 6:8, Dr. Mitchell said this was the honorees’ daily walk in their lives and ministries. She stated that this was our “wake up call” and challenged the Lay Organization to work to make a difference in the church and community. Dr. Mitchell reminded us “the church cannot survive if the only workers were the clergy.” It takes laity and clergy to build God’s kingdom.

After a very powerful word from Dr. Mitchell, the Legacy Circle Ceremony was introduced as a “very special moment in time in the life of Wesley.” At its inception, it was the vision and desire of Pastor Leo Griffin to hang pictures of Bishop Sarah and Pastor Emeritus Coates in the church as a way of honoring this daughter and son of Wesley and what they meant to the Church. She was a bishop and he was her father in the ministry and pastor of Wesley for 37 years. In keeping with the Tenth Episcopal District’s Quadrennial Theme “Legacy,” the Lay Organization introduced the Wesley Legacy Circle to make Pastor Griffin’s vision a reality.
The unveiling ceremony was led by the Rev. Walter Cuby, Wesley’s Assistant Pastor with assistance from Wesley’s Lay President Thelma Kennedy-Malveaux and family members of the honorees. A special Unveiling Litany, written specifically for this occasion, was a very moving and emotional tribute to these AME giants with impeccable legacies.

The litany included thanks and praises to God and honored Bishop Davis and Pastor Emeritus Coates for their dedication and faithfulness to a lifetime of ministry. They were celebrated for their leadership, great humility; and unselfish gifts to the AME Church and humankind, both at home and abroad. The very emotional moment, when the portraits were unveiled, brought many to tears as Tangy Reed, Wesley’s minister of music sang “To God Be the Glory.”

Wesley has been blessed to be the church home of these giants in African Methodism and will forever cherish and honor their legacies. The portraits of Bishop Davis and Pastor Emeritus Coates now hang in a prominent place of honor in the Wesley Legacy Circle.

Following the services, the Lay Organization treated guests to a fabulous reception. It was another successful and spirit-filled Annual Lay Day at Wesley.



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