Paul Quinn College’s Richard Allen Chapel Restoration

Paul Quinn College’s Richard Allen Chapel Restoration

By Bishop Vashti McKenzie

Philippians 2:4 says, “Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.” In the summer of 2016, clergy and lay leadership gathered on the campus of Paul Quinn College to engage in a session of vision casting, under the leadership of Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, the presiding prelate of the 10th Episcopal District. The result was a decision to renovate the Richard Allen Chapel, which has not been used for many years. 

The renovated edifice would provide a worship center, classroom, lecture, and fine arts space for more than 500 students. It would also provide an adequate place for graduation exercises and other large community events such as the annual performance of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. Further, the renovation would allow the worship center and classrooms to be used by the 10thEpiscopal District, as it would be the largest facility in the North Texas area.

Currently, Paul Quinn College, under the leadership of President Michael Sorrell, is building a new life and living-learning center to increase dormitory housing for students. It will be the first new structure on the campus in several decades. It behooved the 10thDistrict to mount this effort while the school was increasing its capacity to house students that were currently living off-campus. 

A Launch Luncheon was held at the 10thDistrict Planning Meeting in November 2018, where several alumni of Paul Quinn College were honored. A PowerPoint presentation was made that highlighted the need to begin the renovation of the Chapel. 

At Founder’s Day 2019, the next phase of the fundraising began. It was an endeavor that everyone could participate in including our extended Bishop College and Paul Quinn Alumni families, AME family, and other circles of influence.

On April 2, 2019, the first phase of the renovation began with asbestos and mold remediation. Over five tons of material was removed with an additional six tons of waste to go. The seats are being unbolted from the floor in preparation for restored seating. Mold-filled acoustic panels were removed. The electricity has been restored and historic lighting preserved. The roof has been repaired in five different places to avoid additional deterioration.  

The next phase will continue through the spring and summer, including aesthetics, acoustics, seating, sound, and video systems. With your help, we will be able to complete the chapel area and restroom renovation, upgrade HVAC, repair plumbing, enhance security, and renovate the main entry. 

By the grace of God, we can do it together to restore this gift! Help us to reach beyond ourselves for the future. Please go to www.10thdistrictame.organd click on the Richard Allen Chapel icon to donate. You can also give through the Givelify app. For more information, contact the 10thEpiscopal District Office at (214) 333-2632. 



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