L.E.N.T.: Let’s Eliminate Negative Thinking

By Rev. Christal L. Bell, Section Editor

While teaching a group of students for Confirmation, the topic came up on “what to give up for Lent.” No fast food, limiting social media, and no candy were just a few of the ideas the youth discussed. As the youth continued to ponder and discuss their final choices, I asked this question, “What about Let’s Eliminate Negative Thinking (LENT)?” Clarity came after I wrote it out on the board—LENT!

For more than 10 years, I have worked in the area of youth ministry on both a part- and full-time basis and have noticed an unfortunate pattern. It is the acceptance of “I can’t.” This type of thinking, no matter the demographic or socioeconomic status, has plagued many of our churches, especially as it relates to young people. If we want to be totally honest, at times, many of us have struggled with the same negative notion of “I can’t.”

Sitting around the table with a class of 15 junior high students, the once noisy and playful classroom setting became mute. Eyes grew wide and finally, a voice grew loud and said, “Pastor Christal, at times it is just too hard to even try.”

How many times have we allowed that same sentiment to distract us from our vision and purpose as it relates to ministry? While the childhood saying “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again” might come to mind as a response to the student’s opposition. Instead, I answered with my life verse found in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”

Divine strength is truly what we need in order to rid ourselves of the doubts that plague our ability to rise above it all. Instead of focusing on the limitations that might fictiously be ahead, let’s focus on the promises of God with the “I can” mentality.

As we continue in this season of Holy Lent, I invite us to brush off the lint from our shoulders of self-doubt, anxiety, and worry, and instead embrace the notion to say and live into “Let’s Eliminate Negative Thinking.” Reclaim your vision. Recharge your purpose. Renew your mind this season.

The Rev. Christal L. Bell, M.Div. is an ordained itinerant elder in the Chicago Annual Conference. She serves at the full-time youth pastor for a multi-campus and bi-lingual Methodist Church in the Chicago-land area. Her passion lies in the area of youth mission work. She is a student in the D.Min. Program in Pastoral Care and Counseling at Payne Theological Seminary. View her official website at: www.up-lifted.org.



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