
Praying the Psalms in a Pandemic

By Rev. Xavier L. Johnson, D.Min. I have always loved the Psalms. One of my earliest, and fondest, memories are of learning and memorizing them on Saturday mornings at my… Read More »

Pastoral and Congregational Care in the Midst of A Pandemic

By Dr. Kathy Thomas McFadden During this pandemic, pastors have become media specialists, camera persons, musicians, singers, as well as public relations and marketing experts. In times like these, pastors… Read More »

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

By Dr. Brandon A. A. J. Davis, 3rd Episcopal District During my days at Payne Theological Seminary, one of the most challenging classes I took was Ministerial Sex and Ethics…. Read More »

Dealing with Death From a Distance

By Dr. Jamie F. Eaddy Life, as we know it, is inconceivably different. It has changed in a way that many find difficult to reconcile. Accompanying these changes are a… Read More »

Transition of Bishop Zedekiah LaZett Grady (1931-2020)

Bishop Zedekiah LaZett Grady was born in Loughman, Florida, the son of the late Walter and Sylvira Bynum Grady. He was educated in the public schools of Sanford, Florida, and… Read More »

An Easter Sunday People in a Good Friday World

By Rev. P. Kimberleigh Jordan, Ph.D. Jeremiah 31:15 says, “Thus says the Lord: A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children; she… Read More »

Suggestions for Churches during this Health & Financial Crisis

By Cynthia Gordon-Floyd, CPA, Columnist I have been attending various webinars and discussions over the past 2 weeks about financial management for non-profits. I’d like to share with you some… Read More »

The Communion of Empty Hands: Words of Edification, Inspiration, and Instruction

By Bishop Clement W. Fugh In all likelihood, the Order preventing assemblies of more than 10 persons during the COVID-19 pandemic will still be in effect on Palm/Passion Sunday (Sunday,… Read More »

The Frontline of this Fight is in Our Homes

By Ulysses Burley III, MD, Columnist Historically, people have used their bodies as tools of resistance for movements of justice and equality. From slave emancipation and women’s suffrage; and the… Read More »

The Future is here: the AME Church during COVID-19 and beyond

By John Thomas III, Editor As I write this editorial, 175 countries have confirmed cases of novel coronavirus COVID-19. “Shelter in place” orders have been implemented in the states of… Read More »

Coronavirus: A Sobering Truth

By Senior Bishop Adam J. Richardson, Jr. COVID-19 is not a hoax. The virus cares nothing about having a passport at the border. It will not respect the protocol for… Read More »

Who Do We Say We Are? A Theological Perspective on COVID-19 and the Church’s Response

By Rev. Brandee Jasmine Mimitzraiem, 5th Episcopal District The response of the Church to any crisis, to any situation that impacts its people, demonstrates who the Church is. Who are… Read More »