Character and Consistency 

Character and Consistency 

Dr. Byron Washington, Columnist

Soon Daniel distinguished himself above the other administrators and satraps because an excellent spirit was in him, and the king planned to appoint him over the whole kingdom. So the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for complaint against Daniel in connection with the kingdom. But they could find no grounds for complaint or any corruption, because he was faithful, and no negligence or corruption could be found in him. – Daniel 6:3-4 (NRSVU)

Everyone wants to succeed, whether in church, community, or our professional vocation. To succeed, we must have the knowledge and often the education or experience to function and excel in our specific field. A person may have to attend law school or medical school or obtain various certificates to obtain the requisite knowledge to operate in their particular field. In addition, a person needs to possess “soft skills,” the ability to communicate, high emotional intelligence, and other skills not often seen when reading a resume or a curriculum vitae (CV).

To that end, we should highlight other hidden traits. For example, a doctor with a degree from the best university and great people skills who is a liar and deceptive in his medical practice will eventually find him or herself unemployed, sued, or perhaps even lose their license. Or consider a person who leads a Christian organization with a wealth of experience and education but leads an organization that lacks consistency and is late in delivering its services will suffer over time.

The traits highlighted in the two scenarios are character and consistency. The two are not often found apart from each other. It is hard for a person to have character and not have consistency. Conversely, an inconsistent person will likely have character flaws or make questionable decisions due to unreliability. Sadly, most people we have seen fall from grace not because they did not have the education or could not lead; no, it was often a lack of character that pulled them down.

As we are approaching the finish line of 2022, and we are all faced with many opportunities, let us all strive to have good character and be consistent. Consistent in our prayer, devotion to God, and in representing him well. Let us make good decisions and not tarnish our reputation, thus harming our ability to excel in our career or area of influence.

Daniel could function in a pagan society and do well because of his consistency before God and because he did his job well. When the other pagan leaders checked his work and looked at all he had done, they realized he had not taken any shortcuts and had done everything well. Daniel’s character was flawless.

Let us strive to have the character that allows God to use us to change and impact the world for Him. No matter whom we know and what accolades we have acquired, if our character is lacking, it will eventually halt our progress and destroy our destiny.



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