The 4th District Illinois Legislative Lobby Day

The 4thDistrict Illinois Legislative Lobby Day

By Presiding Elder Albert D. Tyson, III, Senior Columnist

“Historic and awe-inspiring,” these words describe the events of two days in the third week of April 2018. Tuesday and Wednesday, April 17-18, 2018, members of the Illinois and Chicago Conferences of the Fourth Episcopal District, presided over by Bishop John Franklin White, the 130thelected and consecrated bishop of the AME Church, traveled to Springfield, Illinois, the seat of the state capital. The journey was undertaken in fulfillment of the vision cast to us as an opportunity to meet state legislators and engage in a partnership with them to meet mutually satisfying goals with regard to public policy and governance.

Our event began on Tuesday evening, April 17, with a catered dinner in the Stratton Building on the Capital grounds for members of the Illinois Black Legislative Caucus, Bishop White, and several clergy representatives of the two conferences. We engaged in fellowship and dining and determined to forge a working relationship for the future. We concluded our evening by cementing, as much as possible given the fluid nature of legislative sessions, an agenda for the following day’s activities. It had been previously determined that Bishop White would offer the opening prayer in the Senate and Presiding Elder Elaine Gordon would offer prayer the following day in the House.

In the morning of April 18, after breakfast at St. John AME Church, our delegation made our way to the Capitol where we renewed our acquaintances with our legislators, their colleagues, and leaders. We had the opportunity to engage in conversation with Constitutional Officers State Treasurer Mike Frerichs and Comptroller Susana Mendoza. On the floor of the Senate and the House, we posed for photos as we continued to strengthen relationships. Several of our senators and representatives arranged for us to initiate contacts which we will cooperatively continue to develop. There are those whose names must be mentioned at this point because of their advocacy for our entire effort. State Senator Patricia Van Pelt-Scott (D-5) coordinated our dinner with the Legislative Black Caucus and Representative Jehan Gordon-Booth (D-92) arranged for our delegation’s extremely productive private meeting with Speaker of the House and Illinois Democratic Party Chairman Michael J. Madigan (D-22). We must also express gratitude to the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus Chair, Senator Kimberly Lightford (D-4), for her willingness to serve as a liaison between the AME Church and the Legislative Black Caucus.

The vision shared by Bishop White involved creating a climate of cooperation between church and state where we collaborate to improve the quality of life for our members and our communities. Where we share common goals, we intend to work together in the creation and promotion of public and private policy that guarantees equal decencies for all Illinoisans. We pledge to work together on local and statewide issues and to elect those candidates to political office who best represent the ideals of our faith and the constitution of our state.

Presiding Elders Gary McCants and Albert D. Tyson, III worked with a host of clergy and lay, members of the church, and state employees to make this First AMEC Legislative Day a glowing success. The more than 100 AMEs who traveled with Bishop White to Springfield have begun to see the possibilities of empowerment as our elected officials thanked us for caring enough to journey to the halls of power and influence to express our concerns for their challenges and fortitude in the face of often overwhelming odds. This was the first but it won’t be the last.

Thursday evening, Bishop White was one of a few invited guests to a thanksgiving dinner hosted by the newly-elected Cook County Democratic Party Chairman Toni Preckwinckle. This was historic and awe-inspiring. To God be the glory!


The Rev. Albert D. Tyson, III is the presiding elder of the North District of the Chicago Annual Conference in the 4th Episcopal District. He is active in a variety of civic organizations in the Greater Chicago area and is currently serving as a member of the Public Building Commission of Chicago.



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