Words from the Associated Church Press

Words from the Associated Church Press


It is indeed an honor to write this letter of congratulations on the 165th anniversary of the continued publication of The Christian Recorder. Having recently celebrated our own milestone—the 100th anniversary of the Associated Church Press in 2016—we are thrilled you are members of our organization. Our members are blessed and made richer by your sharing with us your history of brave justice-making and fearless truth-telling. You challenge us to answer the call as faithful witnesses of the Gospel in the many ways God’s people respond to issues of today, and to recon with the church’s silences and omissions—past and present—especially in matters of racial equality and justice.

We give thanks for all the ways the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the ecumenical community have learned and benefitted from your witness. At the same time, we pray your ongoing efforts will be blessed and grow for years to come.

The board, staff, and members of the Associated Church Press join me in sending their congratulations and prayers for your ministry and voice in the church and in the world.


The Rev. Gregg Brekke

Executive Director, The Associated Church Press






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