September Report from AME-India

September Report from AME-India

Dear Praying Partners,

AME-India praises God for all divine goodness and kindness in blessing the ministries and protecting the life and the churches. We also thank God for our new presiding prelate, Bishop John F. White and Supervisor Penny White. We welcome them! We are also thankful to Bishop John R. Bryant and Supervisor Rev. Cecelia for their continued support to AME-India thus far. Had it not been for their commitment and hard work, AME-India would have disappeared into oblivion.

The Lord has been so good to us, in spite of all the hurdles. AME-India is powerfully involved in saving souls for Christ. Our pastors are encouraged to do the great work for the kingdom. Working among widows, orphans, and people affected by leprosy and from other religions in the midst of various oppositions, is a great challenge. We praise God for divine protection, wisdom, and perseverance with which our ministers serve the Lord and the society.

We have 152 churches in AME-India and we take this opportunity to share some of the reports of the pastors who are toiling in the frontlines for your information and prayers. As mentioned in our previous reports, for the sake of the safety of the pastors, we refrain from using their full names and locations. Sorry for the inconvenience. We are ever grateful to you for your prayers.

Pastor AW reported baptizing two persons and adding five new children to his Church School. This is the season of a particular Hindu festival which is celebrated with lot of grandeur, high decibel noise, and all the spirits are let loose as people engage in feats impossible for ordinary human beings. Though it is a celebration for one community, those that do not belong to the community suffer. This pastor reports that the church did a prayer walk going around the village in a circle and the Lord heard their prayers by stopping this demonic festival. Indeed, we have a powerful prayer-answering God.

Pastor M reports that four new Hindu families joined his church. He has started a six month Bible class for the whole congregation to teach them and strengthen them in their faith.

Pastor S reports that after the annual conference in May 2016, he and his congregation prayed and reached out to a Hindu village. By the grace of God, the whole village accepted Jesus as their savior. Now, they are trying to build a church in this village. He requests prayers for this.

Pastor VR reports that he has started a new ministry in a new village. He has an addition of two new families coming to his church. Recently, he has baptized three people and three more are waiting to receive baptism.

Pastor G reports that the Lord added 35 children to the Church School which already had 45 children. Seven new members joined the church that are from the Hindu background. All of them have received baptism.

Pastor EG reports that nine new Hindu converts have been added to the church. She reports that she intercepted two Hindu sisters who wanted to commit suicide due to poverty. They have accepted Jesus and have been baptized. She is also engaged in constructing her church, a concrete structure, and requests for prayer.

As a word of caution, we would like to inform you that two local deacons who run an institution by the name “AME-HYDERABAD” are setting it up as a parallel body like AME-India. They are engaged in false propaganda to convince the friends in the AME Church worldwide to raise funds for themselves. AME-India is a registered body with the government of India and was represented at the General Conference as part of the 4th District. AME-India has 152 pastors ordained by AME Church and serve as elders, deacons, local elders, and local deacons. It spans eight states in India and also in the country of Nepal. They are even organizing a pastors’ conference without the knowledge of AME-India. Some people have fallen for AME-Hyderabad from what they see on Facebook, as there is no way to verify the authenticity of what they see. Therefore, if your support is going to AME-Hyderabad, please do not be under the assumption that it is AME-India. It is not.

We praise the Lord for these testimonies and miracles. All glory to God. We request your continuous prayer support.







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