By Joan Phillips-Bennett (Ade Nima), 16th Episcopal District Jamaica Conference
Our foundation is strong.
Our foundation is regal.
Out foundation is love.
Born way before the world commercialised love as Valentine’s Day,
Bishop Richard Allen paved the way
for people of colour to freely worship today.
Pioneering the African American worship experience with a black Bishop,
Richard Allen sweeps diagonally against injustice,
So, things had to shift up!
Pulled from one church but built your own
I bet they never knew who they were trying to control.
Writer, minister, educator, advocate
You were the first elect and concrate-
Today your legacy over 200 years old and counting!
We praise God for light in the midst of the darkness
Which was custom made for us,
Black in the midst of white
Showing the world that true freedom must have all people in the sanctuary
Must have all people unite.
Black and AME
That combination is YOU
That combination is ME
That combination a ALL A WE
Standing for what is right,
We fight the good fight!
With Christ before us,
No mountain can intimidate us
All it took was one thought, one action that became the catalyst for this chain reaction.
This chain reaction multiplied into 20 districts across this world.
Thank you, Bishop Richard Allen. Your story will always be told and your legacy lives forever!